
This small Midwest farming community is often the gathering place for a large wedding. A special couple, a close-knit community and the support parents, siblings, relatives and friends made this an exceptional day. 1 2...

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Nestled upon the rolling, park-like lawns that slope gently down to the Red Cedar River, stands the picturesque MSU Alumni Memorial Chapel. Thousands of MSU students and alumni have chosen the chapel for their wedding ceremonies since its dedication over fifty years ago. 1 2...

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….with liberty and justice for all. He dedicated his life to serving his country. She dedicated her life to him around Christmas. The pride they felt for each other was evident throughout the day. Do I hear 50 th anniversary bells? An amazing couple and an amazing love story. 1 2...

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The Jewish wedding ceremony is full of traditions and customs that are very special. The marriage creates a new life together as part of a larger Jewish and world community. 1 2 3...

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A warm day, a horse ranch, a horse-drawn carriage, a limo, a firetruck, and a wedding couple that were absolutely incredible. Their engagement pictures included their dogs. Their wedding included about 300 of their friends and family. Have you ever heard about a wedding and wished you could have attended? Thank you T.J. and Cherie. 1 2...

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We became acquainted with this registered nurse during routine medical tests. She recognized Michael from a previous meeting at a wedding vendor show. We laughed about the circumstances. After meeting her groom and his two young boys, the chemistry was obvious. She chose the English Inn. What a great place to begin . . . 1 2 3...

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